Meet you at Verona

Reliable products for many years , but more economic prices thanks the great big quantity production for worldwide market.

Meet you at Poznan

Promotional prices for wet polishing machines,  Electrical and air grinding machine. also very good quality diamond blades at discounted prices , much , much ...



many new models innovated machines.    

Electric wet stone polishing machine,professional quality.

Pneumatic wet stone polishing machine. professional quality . 


Moskow Stone industry 2017

We wait for you in Moskow. Stoneindustry 27-30/June/2017

Electric wet stone polishing machine,professional quality.

Pneumatic wet stone polishing machine. professional quality . 






Welcome you at Stand 1052,  Hall E, the quality better , the prices become more attractive , thanks the technology innovation.

 Accueillez-vous sur le stand 1052, Haal E, la meilleure qualité, les prix deviennent plus attrayants, grâce l'innovation technologique.

Nous sommes heureux de vous rencontrer à nouveau,
Stand M5,Hall 8,  meet you Verona

more new models of CNC tools , and updated in technological saw blades

Stand L29, Hall L, Xiamen Stonefair 2105

Old and New Friends, Ficina wait for you at the stand A8. Hall 8.

Anciens et nouveaux amis, ficina vous attendent à l'A8 stand. Hall 8.

present  diamond tools and accessories like: tools for CNCmachines, tools for manual machines, tools for ceramic, accessories for stone industry.

 Stand B7-1, Padiglione 3, Hall 3.
Utensili diamantati per CNC machines, per manual machines e accessoris.
We produce our diamond tools in China , but we challenge all competitors in quality of products.
All friends come from the Third world, do not be fooled any more by the imperialists , they sell to you all made in China.

 Czy znacie (Państwo) "FICINA"?  Możliwe, że 18 lat temu używaliście już naszych narzędzi diamentowych (za pośrednictwem lokalnych importerów i pośredników),

Najwyższa jakośc dzięki stosowaniu najnowszej amerykańskiej technologii.
Umiarkowana cena dzięki produkcji w Chinach,
Dogodna obsługa- nasze magazyny we Włoszech zapewniają dostawę towaru w ciągu 3 dni, bez wymaganej minimalnej ilości zamówienia oraz bez problematycznych formalności celnych.
Czy chcielibyście (Państwo) zostac naszym przedstawicielem? Chcielibyście wypróbowac nasze produkty?
Zapraszamy Hala 9,B2 Mamy polski serwis.
Poszukujemy dystrybutorów na terenie Polski

We wait for you in Hall 9, Stand B2.

 Stand 32-33, Padiglione E, Hall E. Utensili diamantati per CNC machines, per manual machines e accessoris.

We produce our diamond tools in China , but we challenge all competitors in quality of products.

All friends come from the Third world, do not be fooled any more by the imperialists , they sell to you all made in China.

Czy znacie (Państwo) "FICINA"?  Możliwe, że 18 lat temu używaliście już naszych narzędzi diamentowych (za pośrednictwem lokalnych importerów i pośredników),
Najwyższa jakośc dzięki stosowaniu najnowszej amerykańskiej technologii.
Umiarkowana cena dzięki produkcji w Chinach,
Dogodna obsługa- nasze magazyny we Włoszech zapewniają dostawę towaru w ciągu 3 dni, bez wymaganej minimalnej ilości zamówienia oraz bez problematycznych formalności celnych.
Czy chcielibyście (Państwo) zostac naszym przedstawicielem? Chcielibyście wypróbowac nasze produkty?
Zapraszamy Hala 6,B5 Mamy polski serwis.
Poszukujemy dystrybutorów na terenie Polski

We wait for you in Hall 6, Stand B5.

MarmoMacc 2011, 21-24/Settembre, Representiamo come sempre ns. utensili diamantati nuovi  e accessori .

MarmoMacc2011, 21-24/September , present  diamond tools and accessories like: tools for CNCmachines, tools for manual machines, tools for ceramic, accessories for stone industry.

    Invitation For Stone +Tec Nuremberg
                  Thanks to our factories in China , our know-how and professional knowledges about the European market, we can offer the exactly suitable diamond tools for varies customers , always with the competitive prices.
Our big store in Carrara, Italy can send the goods to you door to door in 3 days without minimum order quantity.
We wait for you at the Stand 519, Hall 03, Stone+Tec 2011, Nuremberg, from 22-25 June, 2011.

MarmoMacc 2010, 29Settembre-2 Octtober ,  Stand B7-2, Secondo Piano del Palaexpo Building, per utensili diamantati  e accessori .

MarmoMacc2010, from 29/September to 2/October, Stand B7-2, N.2 Floor of the Palaexpo Building, present  diamond tools and accessories like: tools for CNCmachines, tools for manual machines, tools for ceramic, accessories for stone industry.

Dal 19 al 22 Maggio  2010, Vi aspettiamo allo Stand 451-452-453, Corsia 17, Padiglione B. si presenta Incisio Pantografo a CNC e altri macchine per lavorazione del marmo , utensili diamantati e accessori.
Nice to meet you in Stand 451-453, Hall B. You will find a best supplier of machines and diamond tools for stone industry. Especial, we will present our new generation CNC Engraving machine to engrave letters and bas-reliefs  on marbles and granites..

MarmoMacc 2009, 30 Settembre-3 Octtober ,  Stand A7 , Secondo Piano del Palaexpo Building, per utensili diamantati  e accessori .

Dal 15-18 Ottobre   2008, Vi aspettiamo allo Stand G16, Padiglione 33, Saie Bologna 2008; Presentiamo una vasta gamma di ns. prodotti per edili, come Taglierine, Tronicatrice, Carotatrice, TagliaGiunti, Dischi Diamantati , foretti diamantati ;

From 15 to 18 October 2008, We will be glad to meet you at the Stand No. G16,  Hall No.33 , Saie Exhizibition , We will present : Saw bridge, Masony saw, Behind walk saw, Drills machine, diamond blades and tools.

Dal 29 Maggio  al 1 Giugno 2008, Vi aspettiamo allo Stand 450-451-452-453, Corsia 17,Padiglione B, MarmoTec, Carrara; Fresa a Bandiea, Fresa a Ponte, Taglierine, Utensili Diamantati;

From 28 to 30 March 2008, We will be glad to meet you at the Stand No. F32-F34, Hall No.16, Exhizibition , Machines to process marbles & diamond tools.

MarmoMacc 2007, October 4-7,  Stand C1-3 , N.2 Floor of the Palaexpo Building,  per arrdi in marmo e granito ad interno e ad esterno, come caminetti,Mosaici, tombe..rosoni, fontane, oggettistica, anche per utensili diamantati,.....

Dal 28 al 30 Marzo 2008, Vi aspettiamo allo Stand  F32-F34, Padiglione No.16, Tanexpo 2008, Bologna.


From 28 to 30 March 2008, We will be glad to meet you at the Stand No. F32-F34, Hall No.16, Exhizibition Tanexpo 2008, Bologna, Italy

MarmoMacc 2007, October 4-7

Stand C1-3 , N.2 Floor of the Palaexpo Building, for diamond tools and marble products, like fireplaces,Mosaici ,monuments,fontains,mortore pestle,vase, , ,.....

Stand 071 Pad. C5

Stand 456 per utensili diamantati; Stand 620/621 per articoli arrdo marmo e onice, come taglia formaggio,mortaio,vasi,colonni,caminetti, fontane da tavolo,portapenna,tombe.......

Stand 456 ,Padiglione B, 1-5 Giugno, 2004,   Utensili diamantati per CNCmachines, per manual machines e accessories. 

Stand 456 ,Padiglione B, 28/Maggio-1/ Giugno, 2003, Utensili diamantati per CNCmachines, per manual machines e accessories.